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Document Library

MPO Policies & Procedures

The Tri-County Regional Planning Commission was designated by the Governor as the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) in 1973, responsible for fulfilling all federally required transportation planning requirements in the Lansing-East Lansing Metropolitan area throughout Clinton, Eaton and Ingham counties in the state of Michigan. Federal funding for transportation projects throughout the three counties are channeled through Tri-County. Learn more about our role as the MPO for the tri-county region here.


Federally required processes and analyses that are specific to the Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) and Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), such as Environmental Justice and Air Conformity, are included in their respective documents.


Additional agency-wide policies and publications, such as financial and operating procedures, may be viewed in the Projects & Documents Library.

  • Planning Areas
    Pavement Condition Safety & Operations Non-Motorized (Bicycle & Pedestrian Paths) Traffic Congestion Public Transit Freight (Movement of Goods) Regional Travel Passenger Air Passenger Rail Bus Services Air Quality (Conformity) Performance Measures Short-Range Planning (TIP) Long-Range Planning (MTP)
  • Quick Links & Resources
    Tri-County RPC Transportation Planning Projects Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) 2045 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) Capital Area Regional Transportation Study (CARTS) Michigan Transportation Planning Association Transportation Data & Maps Michigan Traffic Crash Facts Michigan Transportation Asset Management Council (TAMC) Michigan Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration Federal Transit Administration Intelligent Transportation Society of America National Association of Regional Councils Interactive Road Construction Tool
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