Our Tri-County Water Policies & Programs Guide is an informational tool and guidance document for decision makers and citizens looking to to protect the region's water resources. It offers a full programming analysis of what's being done to maintain clean and sustainable drinking and surface waters.
Learn more about how we protect and enhance our water resources above and below the surface and promote stewardship of our built and natural assets below.
Tri-County houses and staffs several water resource groups that work to educate the public, exchange knowledge about best practices, and assist local governments to keep our water resources clean.
One group is the Greater Lansing Regional Committee for Stormwater Management (GLRC), a guiding body comprised of Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) communities within the Greater Lansing region. The Committee was established to guide the implementation of the stormwater program for participating communities within the Grand River, Red Cedar River and Looking Glass River watersheds. The GLRC framework of engaged membership provides a forum to collaboratively address surface water issues and regulatory requirements. Tri-County staff assist in the development and implementation of municipal stormwater management plans, provide training and professional development opportunities, and perform required public education on behalf of the GLRC. Tri-County's and GLRC’s regional approach provides uniform messaging to the public and consistent development standards throughout the permit area.
Tri-County also manages the Groundwater Management Board, a group of communities in the Greater Lansing area working together to protect our drinking water at its source - groundwater.
Interested in the recreational use of our surface waters? Tri-County partnered with the Middle Grand River Organization of Watersheds (MGROW) to create a water trail development plan to improve the connectivity, accessibility, and quality of our region's main water trail, the Middle Grand River. The plan has led to the Middle Grand River becoming one of the first state-designated water trails, strengthening our region's opportunities for future project funding.