The Wellhead Protection Viewer is an interactive online mapping application that provides a variety of data – including well locations, time of travel areas, brownfields, potential contamination source locations, and more – so communities and organizations can be better informed when making development decisions that may affect our groundwater throughout Clinton, Eaton, and Ingham counties. This tool is a useful resource for planners looking to identify locations at greatest risk for groundwater contamination when preparing site plan reviews, emergency response plans, and risk and resilience assessments, all of which help protect our drinking water at its source!
Since its creation in 1999, the Viewer has undergone numerous updates to provide this data and continues to be made available for public use thanks to a combined effort of grant funding, cost sharing, and regional collaboration between Tri-County and member communities of the Groundwater Management Board (GMB).
To utilize the full application, click here.
Training Guide & Videos
Check out the gallery below to view the full Wellhead Protection Viewer Training Guide or any of our short training videos about the various features of the Viewer. Please note, these materials were created as part of the latest update to the Viewer in August 2020 and may not reflect changes to layers or capabilities added after that date.
If you have further questions or require technical assistance, contact Lauren Schnoebelen, our Environmental Sustainability Planner, at
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