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Request for Proposals: Travel Demand Model Technical Assistance


Updated: Oct 4, 2023

The Tri-County Regional Planning Commission (Tri-County) is issuing a Request for Proposal(s) for Travel Demand Model (TDM) Technical Assistance. The TDM will evaluate a variety of transportation scenarios in the area including prediction of future travel conditions, impact of future projects on the transportation network, and identifying future transportation needs for the long-range transportation plan.

The purpose of this project is to provide model runs necessary to meet the needs of the 2050 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) development, ensure the output data is formatted for use in the Tri-County Congestion Management Process (CMP), provide on-demand modeling services through December 31, 2025, develop a land use prediction model for use in future regional planning activities, develop plan/scope of work for TDM overhaul beginning in 2026, and provide training as needed. Interested candidates’ submissions should include a concise statement of the consultant's approach to the project and a summary of the consultant's ability to provide the required services.

See the full RFP and detailed submission requirements here. Interested candidates must submit complete proposals to by 4:30 p.m. EST on October 4, 2023. Late proposals will be disqualified. In order to be considered for selection, consultants must submit a complete response to the RFP. All questions pertaining to this RFP must be submitted electronically to by September 25, 2023 (C.O.B.). All submitted queries and formal responses will be shared publicly and made available on Tri-County's website on September 28, 2023. Firms that submitted any questions will also be notified directly upon posting. No verbal requests for information or contact with Tri-County, its staff, or selection committee members will be accepted, and may result in disqualification.

This RFP is not an offer to contract. Issuance of this RFP and the receipt of responses by Tri-County do not commit Tri-County to award a contract to any vendor.

Disadvantaged business enterprises, and minority and women-owned business enterprises, will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, sex or national origin in consideration for an award in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. A full statement of Tri-County’s Non-Discriminatory Practices may be found in the RFP.


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