Safety & Operations
The Regional Transportation Safety Plan (RTSP) aims to reduce fatal and severe injury crashes within Clinton, Eaton, and Ingham counties. While typical plans mainly look at engineering solutions to prevent accidents, Tri-County's Safety Plan explores ideas from the five Es: Education, Encouragement, Enforcement, Evaluation, and Engineering. An analysis of historic crash data is used to determine “emphasis areas,” where safety is the worst, and that information guides the prioritization of projects that will reduce collisions.
Each winter, Tri-County publishes an annual crash trends report that outlines the progress being made toward improving safety in the region. Drawing on a comprehensive database provided by the Michigan Department of State Police, Tri-County will identify trends and provide feedback on areas where safety improvements may be considered.
Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSMO) includes a broad set of strategies that optimize the safe, efficient, and reliable use of existing and planned transportation infrastructure for all modes. TSMO is undertaken from a systems perspective, which means that strategies are coordinated with related strategies and collaboration occurs among many stakeholders and modes. TSMO strategies range from managing operational systems, like traffic signals, to managing travel demand, like traveler information.
Tri-County maintains a working group to address safety and operations related issues. This group advises CARTS in areas including highway safety planning, congestion management, signal operations, and Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) planning among other issues. This working group is comprised mainly of the region’s ACT 51 recipients, Capital Area Transportation Authority, Michigan Department of Transportation, and Michigan State University.
Check out MDOT's safety page to see more initiatives happening across the state to improve our safety, such as Toward Zero Deaths, Work Zone Safety, Safe Routes to School, Complete Streets, Local Safety Initiative, Highway Safety Improvement Program, Traffic Incident Management, and Senior Mobility.